• From:
  • 25 Sep 2023
  • To:
  • 27 Sep 2023

Polymer electrolytes have a long history in battery research and both material development and our fundamental understanding of ion transport mechanisms in polymers has evolved with it. Today, we are standing at the crossroads overseeing many possible winding paths down battery lane with a multitude of battery technologies to choose from. Diversification in many different cell chemistries opens new avenues to explore and encourages to revisit some concepts and findings of past days.

The pandemic has made it difficult for our community to meet and exchange, which has become clear during the International Symposium of Polymer Electrolytes (ISPE17) in Canada October 2022. While we remain dedicated to other international communities, not least the ISPE, we, the Organizers, feel that a more limited meeting in terms of scope and geographical target group would be highly appreciated. It is our ambition to assemble primarily the European academic research community in this area, including a large number of PhD students other newcomers, together with relevant researchers from industry this year at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany for the first European Symposium on Polymer Electrolytes for Battery Applications (ESPE23) hosted from September 25th to 27th 2023.

We would like to give newcomers to the field the opportunity to meet leading experts, present their latest results, network and find new colleagues and friends to advance the development of polymer electrolytes together. Furthermore, we would like to encourage PhD students of our Center of electrochemical energy storage (CELEST) as well as our research cluster for post-Li storage (POLiS) to join this meeting in the framework of a workshop module of the Graduate school of electrochemical energy storage (GS-EES) to get in touch with the latest trends and advances in this exciting area.

We hope to see many of you this September in Karlsruhe!

The Organizers

Fabian Jeschull, Patrick Théato, Dominik Voll, Daniel Brandell

Important Dates

Abstract submission opens: 20.04.2023

Abstract submission deadline: 30.06.2023

Abstract acceptance notification: 15.07.2023

Registration opens: 01.07.2023

Registration deadline: 01.09.2023

Call For Abstracts

We invite all participants to contribute with an oral or poster presentation on their recent work. Abstract submission will open on 20.04.2023. We accept abstracts on the following topics:

  • Synthesis and characterization of materials for polymer electrolyte applications
  • Experimental and theoretical studies on ion transport in polymer electrolytes or gel polymer electrolytes
  • Integration of polymer electrolytes in batteries and their characterization
  • In-situ, operando or post-mortem studies on polymer degradation
  • Topics related to cell manufacturing

Only abstracts adhering strictly to the abstract template will be accepted. The abstract template is provided for download under following link. Abstracts can be submitted through our online submission system until 30.06.2023. Please select during the submission process if you are interested in an oral or poster presentation. Also note that the slots for oral presentations are limited and will be selected.

Letters of Invitation are sent out in 15.07.2023 via email to the corresponding authors of all accepted abstracts.

Read more here, https://www.postlithiumstorage.org/en/espe23