Battery manufacturing is a topic covering a large area. It may refer to individual cells, cell modules, or battery packs. The battery cell is the smallest and most fundamental functional element and any superstructure made thereof comprises the engineering solutions to make such cells work in a practical environment.
The battery of the future will be designed based on virtual representation to a much higher degree than today. It also applies for aspects of sustainability and circular economy concepts including life cycle assessment (LCA). As a consequence, all projects within Battery 2030+ must consider scalable, industry-compatible and sustainable production technologies.
Manufacturability must be considered at an early stage. Materials sourcing, processing, manufacturing and assembly processes must be tailored to accommodate new chemistries and follow innovative approaches to allow for efficient remanufacturing and re-use.
Developing digital tools for predicting the impact of manufacturing parameters reduces the reliance on costly and time-consuming trial and error methods. Thus, developing effective digital tools for manufacturing predictions will require accurate and validated models, with efficient and reliable parametrisation methods, access to in-line manufacturing parameters and expertise in simulation and data analytics techniques