Battery 2030+ Course on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Course description: The course will introduce participants to a number of tools that can be used to identify how research can generate impact and which research results could have commercial potential. The course will also provide basic understanding of patents and intellectual property, an introduction to the business development methodology “Lean Startup”, an understanding of “Early adopters” and customer segments and provide different tools and interview techniques to identify and understand customers. In addition, you will get professional pitch training in a value creation forum. The first part of the course will be online, the second part (yellow marked) will be physical in Bordeaux, France, at the same time and place as the BID (Battery Innovation Days)-conference. The costs, trip and accommodation, for the part in Bordeaux have to be covered by the participant.
Primary target group: PhD students and post-doctoral researchers
Secondary target group: Younger researchers at academic institutions, research
institutes and companies within the Battery 2030+ community. Credits: 2 hp
Language: English
Last day of registration: September 29
Course leaders: Andy Browning and Harris Stamatopoulos , both at Uppsala University’s Innovation Partnership Office
See agenda here