Smart functionalities in battery cells

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Research Professor at the National Institute of Chemistry and a Professor at the University of Ljubljana

TITLE: Smart functionalities in battery cells: self-healing coating and electrochemical sensor printed on the separator

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Robert Dominko is a Research Professor at the National Institute of Chemistry and a Professor at the University of Ljubljana. He is the head of the battery group at the National Institute of Chemistry. He obtained his Ph.D. in Materials sciences in 2002 from the University of Ljubljana. Since his Ph.D. study, his research interests are in the field of materials science and electrochemical systems for energy storage, with his main activities in the field of modern battery systems. Between 2009 and 2010 he worked in UPJV, Amiens, where he started the development of Li-S batteries. He was the coordinator of two large-scale EU projects focused on the development of Li-S batteries. His current research interests are focused on different types of multivalent batteries and the implementation of smart functionalities in battery cells. He is strongly connected with Battery 2030+ initiative and with Batteries Europe, where he is one of the co-leaders of the task force preparing a strategy on the education level. He is involved in the MESC master program ( and in the doctoral school DESTINY ( He has published more than 180 peer-reviewed papers and 15 patents.  He is a deputy director of the European virtual research laboratory for batteries Alistore ERI and he is a member of the Slovenian Academy of Engineering.


15:30-15:45 Intro and presenting speaker Kristina Edström

15:45-16:45  Presentation: “Smart functionalities in battery cells: self-healing coating and electrochemical sensor printed on the separator” Robert Dominko

16:45-16:55  Q&A:  Robert Dominko

16:55-17:00 Summary: Kristina Edström
