The Roadmap

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Inventing the sustainable batteries of the future

The roadmap for Battery 2030+ is a long term-roadmap for forward looking battery research in Europe.

The roadmap suggests research actions to radically transform the way we discover, develop, and design ultra-high-performance, durable, safe, sustainable, and affordable batteries for use in real applications. This is a collective European research effort to support the urgent need to establish battery cell manufacturing in Europe.

The long-term research direction is based on a chemistry enabling approach. This will allow Europe to exceed the ambitious battery performance targets for the full battery value chain, as agreed upon in the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (the SET Plan) proposed by the European Commission. Thanks to its chemistry-enabling approach, Battery 2030+ will have an impact not only on current lithium-based battery chemistries, but also on post-lithium batteries, solid-state, silicon, sodium, and other future chemistries.

The current version of the roadmap integrates recent global battery research developments, takeaways from a Europe-wide consultation process and previous progress. The Battery 2030+ roadmap covers different research areas like battery functionality, interfaces, manufacturability, recycling, raw materials and safety. Short-, medium- and long-term goals for progressing towards the vision are also presented.

The roadmap is a living document and modifications to the goals as well as new research areas are to be expected as the Battery 2030+ initiative evolves with time.

The three themes are:
Accelerated discovery of battery interfaces and materials

• Battery Interface Genome (BIG)

• Materials Acceleration Platform (MAP)

Integration of smart functionalities

• Sensing

• Self-healing

Cross-cutting areas

• Manufacturability 

• Recyclability

The roadmap is a living document and modifications to the goals as well as new research areas are to be expected as the BATTERY 2030+ initiative evolves with time.

Battery 2030+, a holistic approach.