• 30 Mar 2023
  • 15:30-17:00

Guest Speaker Kristin Persson

Title:  Towards First-Principles Prediction of new Electrolytes and SEI Formation

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Kristin Persson is the Daniel M. Tellep Distinguished Professor at the University of California, Berkeley and the Director of the Molecular Foundry, a user facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.  She is also the Director and founder of the Materials Project (materialsproject.org) which is a world-leading resource for materials data and design. She has received the DOE Secretary of Energy’s Achievement Award twice, the TMS Cyril Stanley Smith Award, the TMS Faculty Early Career Award, the Falling Walls Science and Innovation Management Award, the LBNL Director’s award for Exceptional Scientific Achievement and she is a AAAS Fellow and an APS Fellow. She holds several patents in the clean energy space and has co-authored more than 270 peer-reviewed publications.  


15:30 -15:35 Intro BATTERY 2030+ – Kristina Edström

15:35-15:45 Introducing speaker – Peter Broqvist

15:45- 16:30 Presentation Towards First-Principles Prediction of new Electrolytes and SEI Formation Kristin Persson

16:30- 17:00 Q&A and Summery – Peter Broqvist