15.15-15.25 “How we reinvent the way we invent the batteries or the future applied to sodium ion batteries” Prof. Kristina Edström BATTERY 2030+
15.25-16.00 “Sodium-ion as an alternative, sustainable battery technology” Prof. Montserrat Casas CiCenergigune, Spain
16.00- 16.10 Na-ion batteries and the battery market Johan Söderbom Innoenergy
16.10-16.50 Panel Discussion “Will sodium-ion batteries be as successful as we hope? What do we need to accelerate the research? Moderator Johan Söderbom, Thematic Leader, Energy Storage and Smart Grids, EIT Innoenergy Prof. Montserrat Casas , Scientific Coordinator, CICe Prof. Stefano Passerini BATTERY 2030+ (HiU and KIT, Germany) Ass. Prof. William Brant, Founder/Board Member ALTRIS Dr Ouyang, CTO at CATL, Mr Herve Beuffe, Founder/ CEO Tiamat
16.50-17.00 Closing remarks