During fall Uppsala University’s Innovation Partnership Office together with Battery 2030+ have held a course for young researchers in innovation and entrepreneurship. The course gave examples of tools that can be used to identify how research can generate impact and commercial potential. A basic understanding of patents and intellectual property was also provided. The first part of the course was online, the second part was physical in Bordeaux, France, at the same time as the BID (Battery Innovation Days)-conference. It was rounded off with a pitch competition in which senior professionals from both industry and academia scrutinized the IPR-proposals from the young researchers that had teamed up, proposing projects to improve the safety of batteries, recycling, fast charging and microscopy. Tough questions were mixed with valuable tips and hints.
Team Saab won “Best pitch presentation“ for their fast charging anode. Team Austin, consisting of Leon Skarjan and Andrés Miranda, won “Best pitch idea” for their idea to develop software that can enhance electron microscopy results run in operandum.