Title: Securely Advancing Future EVs with Li-IOn batteries through Optimized Pathways

Coordinator: University of Oulu

Start: 1. June 2024

Duration: 36 months

EU contribution: 4 749 117 €


Envisioned battery demand of 735 GWh for electric mobility by 2025, escalating to a projected 125 million Electric Vehicles (EVs) by 2033, fuels our impetus for innovation. However, these prospects are marred by real safety concerns, evidenced by 2 harrowing ship fires involving luxury EVs, despite adherence to the most stringent safety protocols.

SAFELOOP is a collaborative effort involving 15 entities from 11 countries, representing a blend of research, manufacturing, and business across Europe. Transatlantic partners are joining forces to bolster competitive material-level technologies and supply chain logistics.

Key goals include securing strategic raw material feedstock, reducing reliance on Asian supply chains, intensifying environmental sustainability, optimizing energy-efficient processing, and demonstrating technological leadership. SAFELOOP’s focal point is Gen3 EU EV Li-Ion Battery (LIB) safety, encompassing the entire life cycle of LIBs within EVs.

Safety is considered in a broader sense, not just at a cell level, while the latter remains a key pillar of the research at hand. To name a few, material handling, component processing, battery manufacturing, testing, transport, maintenance, and recycling of active materials are considered.

A Eurocentric supply chain for EV-grade battery materials will be established, minimizing the environmental and cost impact of long distance transportation. SAFELOOP ensures that batteries and their components adhere to EU safety and environmental regulations.

Beyond enhancing EU battery safety, the project seeks to develop the world’s first EV-rated LIB using up to 25% recycled and fully rejuvenated battery-active materials. This initiative paves the way for an ambitious industrywide recycling target of 90% within the next decade, akin to today’s lead-acid battery industry’s 95% recycling rate. These ecologically responsible solutions address key aspects of automotive battery safety within the EU and beyond.


1. UOULU – University of Oulu – coordinator

2. FZJ – Forschungszentrum Jülich

3. IMN – Lukasiewicz Research Network, Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals

4. ISPE – Institute for Sorption and Problems of Endoecology

5. CEA – Commissariat À L’ Energie Atomique Et Aux Energies Alternatives

6. Tübitak

7. HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

8. AETC – American Energy Technologies Co.

9. Koppers Denmark

10. Cadoux Limited

11. Yunasko

12. Enviva

13. Imperial College London

14. Aspilsan Energy

15. Bozankaya Otomotive