The coordination and support action project (CSA) is coordinating the common activities, which have five main objectives. The objectives relate directly to a corresponding work package (WP). The bullet points below briefly describe the tasks to be done.
Objective 1: To coordinate, facilitate and monitor the implementation of the Battery 2030+ roadmap to ensure a strong European battery knowledge-base in long-term research by:
- collaboratively, identify and define KPIs, key performance indicators, to monitor the results of the research projects.
- actively contribute to meeting with B 2030+ associated projects and interact with Batteries Europe, BEPA, IPCEIs, LiPlanet etc.
- develop a joint strategy for the protection and commercial exploitation of the results.

WP1- leader Kristina Edström, Uppsala University
Objective 2: To maintain the Battery 2030+ roadmap, which includes to:
- update and develop the Battery 2030+ roadmap.
- report on relevant activities in national programs and significant international activities.
- identify research needs and gaps, and propose new research and innovation actions based on a chemistry-neutral approach.

WP2- leader Maximilian Fichtner, KIT (Karlsruher Institute für Technologie)
Objective 3: Common Best Practices in Battery Research – which includes to
- align battery domain ontology development and create training materials on their use.
- establish guidelines for battery data management and sharing.
- collect, formalize, and disseminate standard protocols.
- support the community in the adoption of best practices using clear training materials and outreach events.

WP3-leader Simon Clark, SINTEF
Objective 4: European curricula in future battery technologies – to transform the results from B2030+ projects and the themes in the roadmap into curricula and to:
- identify training and education needs and recommend new curricula regarding master’s programmes and life-long learning in Europe in collaboration with Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, ERI Alistore, ETIP SNET, EIT Raw Materials and EIT Inno Energy.
- digitalize of education for the European battery eco-system.
- engage young scientists in the Battery 2030+ initiative.
- support the development of the European educational landscape.

WP4-leader: Silvia Bodoardo, POLITO
Objective 5: Communication, dissemination and stakeholder engagement, including to:
- promote, disseminate and communicate the objectives and the achievements of the Battery 2030+ initiative.
- organize events such as the Excellence seminars and B 2030+ Annual conferences.
- communicate and disseminate in coordination with the European R&I landscape strengthen stakeholder engagement and collaboration with other battery initiatives within the European R&I landscape.

WP5-leader: Thomas Otuszewski, EASE